Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holiday ;D

April 8th is the last day of term 1 which means April 9th is the first day of holiday between term 1 and 2 YEEEEYYYYYY!!!!! well, i don't have a plan to do during the holiday actually :( and i don't wanna waste my time. well i actually work. delivering junk mails and babysitting argus. the salary isn't bad :P. well it's not about the wage, it's more likely about what i do during the holiday. i don't wanna lay in my bed all the time, so i need some activities. i play badminton and roller blade with my siblings and it's damn awesome ;D

i also sleepover a couple of time @ nisa's house with kak sofi,iffah and azka. they're SO FUN. they always make me laugh, especially Iffah ;D we did our holiday homework together, we made a 'night movie' activity and we watched 'God Must Be Crazy' and we laughed all the time cause it's so damn funny ;D !!!

it's friday now and the holiday's almost over ;( well actually we have 2 extra days because of Anzac Day, but still.. the holiday goes really fast like a grumpy running horse lol xD (that's not even funny actually) --> (who cares, anyway?) wkwkwk xD

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

99 Asma Ul - Husna

Nas - Aluka Yaa Man Huwallahulladzii Laa Ilaaha Illaahu
Awarrohmaanur Rohimul 
Almalikul Qudduusus Salaamul Mu’minul Muhaiminul ‘Aziizul Jabbaar – 
Almutakabbirul Khooliqulbaariul Mushowirul Ghoffar
Walqohharul Wahaabur Rozzaaqul Fattaahul ‘Aliim – 
Alqoobidhul Baasithul Khoofidhur Alroofi’ul Mu’izzul Mudhillus Samii’ul Bashiirul Hakamul’adl – 
Allathiiful Khobiir – 
Alhaliimul ‘Adhim – 
Alghofurus Syakuur – 
Al’aliyul Kabiirul Hafiidhul Muqiit – 
Alhasiibul Jaliil Al Kariimur Roqiibul Mujiibul Waa Si’ul Hakiimul Waduudul Majiidul Baa’itsus Syahid –
Alhaqqulwakiil – 
Alqowiyul Matiin – 
Alwaliyul Hamiid – 
Almuhshil Mubdiul Mu’iid – 
Almuhyil Mumiitul Hayyul Qoyyum – 
Alwaajidul Maajidul Waahidus Shomadul Qoodirul Muqtadirul Muqoddimul Muakh Khirul Awwalul Akhiir – 
Addhoohirul Baatinul Waalil Muta’al Bar Ruttawwaaabul Muntaqimul ‘Afuwwur Roufum Maalikul Mulki Dzul Jalaali Qal Ikroom – 
Almuqsitul Al Jaami’ul Ghoniyul Mughnil Maani’ud Dhoor Runnaafi’un Nuurul Haadii Badii’ul Baaqii – 
Alwaaritsur rosyiidus Shobuurulladzi ladza kamits lihi Syaiun Wawas Samii’ul Bashiir – 
Alloohumma Solli Afdhollas Sholati’alaa As’adi MAkhluuqoo Tika Sayyidinaa Muhammadiwa’alaa alihii

Washohbihii wasallim ‘Adada Ma’luu Maatika Wamidaa Dzakalimaa Tika Kullamaa
         Dzakaro Kad Dzaakiruuna Waghofala ‘An Dzikrihil Ghoofiluun.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Last Step

Last Step

This is my last breath
No one can stop this world
Coz maybe there's no more change
To tell you how much flowers grow for you
This is my last step
To get close to you
So plese don't go further than this
Coz maybe there's no more time left for me
To run catch your shadow
This is my last obesession
God I pray to you
Just give me this girl
So I'll never ask something more
Coz she's my everything

* Copied from a novel titled 'Buble Gum'