Sunday, November 11, 2012

Damn you exam!!

Exam. yup. thats what everyone hates. It's a student's enemy, and a teacher's bestfriend. Well, that's just my description. You can definitely agree with me. I finished  4 exams already. Just one more to go. Accounting. I'm gonna study my ass off to get an excellent result. Sorry for the bad language. Mybe it's because my other 4 exams didn't go as planned. I didn't do my best. Yup, blame it on my sickness. I started getting sick in my second exam. I was walking on the rain. Just a little bit, and the next day I got sick. Until now. Yup, blame it on my disease. I couldn't even study. I had to take a rest. I'm failing now. I wondered why I got sick during the exams. Mybe Alloh wants to warn me to maintain my health so that it doesn't happen again next year. Oh Thanks Alloh for this experience, I learned my lesson. Further, health, ESL, methods, BIG FAIL. Even health&human dev.. I have so much hope in health&human dev. I've put on so much effort into it throughout the year and i screwed up the exam cos I was too busy blowing my nose. Accounting is my only hope now. I have to do well in it no matter what. Well, bye guys. Maintain your health okay! Make sure you value it cos it's priceless..

^picture was taken from google search

Friday, August 24, 2012

CAPOGIRL (is that how we spell it?)

This picture represents us right (?) <3

Assalamualaikum wr wb everyone!

I'm back now yeeyy! this time I wanna share my story about my bestfriends in primary school.
i have 3 bestfriends and we're called 'CAPOGIRL' XD , it stands for "Cah Four Girl" hha our english was very poor back then, that's why the grammar is really bad.. :P (doesn't even make sense)

alright, there's 4 of us. Our leader is called Bid. she is a bit chubby (in a cute way) , she is the most tomboy person and she is the most abnormal person among all of us! but thats what makes me miss her soo much :( , she is also a bit.. scary. if people don't know her really well, they'll be scared of her. yea, our friends in primary school were a bit scared of her! hhaa. poor them.. she studies in pesantren now. we barely meet. i wonder what she looks like now.. has she gone a bit skinnier (?) XD sorryy bid , hhe jokes jokes! i miss you heaps!!

another member of CAPOGIRL is named Fiq. she is VERY TALL. I'm half of her body now. yea, you know that i'm really short right? well if you dont know, now you know that I'm short. she has the most hafalan quran among all of us!! I'm jealous of her.. I haven't even finished 3 juz yet!! T.T oh ye by the way she also goes to pesantren.. her house is the closest one to mine. It only takes 15 min by bike to get to her house. she likes rapping and she is a bit tomboy ( just a bit) teeheee XD , i miss u fiq!! T.T

the other member is named Khus. one thing that I remember A LOT about her is, she used to say "song" which actually means "langsung" !! its a shorter of saying 'langsung' XD , every time she talks, she always uses 'song' in it. "bla bla bla bla.... song.... bla bla bla... song....bla bla bla" i wonder whether she still does that or not XD she is the most feminim person.. she also goes to pesantren.. she is so much like me ( thats what i think ) she understands me better than other members. and i miss her like crazy!! :( 

the 3 of them go to a different pesantren.. we barely meet T.T
Bid,Fiq and I have been bestfriends since grade 2. then in grade 3 Arin joined us. then for some reason we broke up with her, and in grade 5 Rani joined us (i have no idea how that happened) then we also broke up with her. after that in grade 5.....Khus joined us till now!! somehow she just fits in and that what makes her still a part of CAPOGIRL, she belongs to us :D <3
even though she wasn't part of us since the beginning, i still love Khus as much as i love Bid and Fiq <3
i haven't met them for 3 years and i wanna meet them soooooo badly T.T
soon insha alloh :')

love capogirl forever <3

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Vivi's journey of love (fiction)

A girl named Vivi who is 17 years old joined a Muslim organisation at her campus. It's called Rohis. She met so many new friends there. Mostly the people in Rohis are older than Vivi. Only a couple of other students that are at the same age as her.
Her friends are all very friendly. Even though Vivi is younger than them, they still want to be friends with her. The president of Rohis is called brother Willy. He is a nice and funny guy, but Vivi thinks he sometimes can be VERY serious. Well, actually brother Willy is very kind and nice. He is getting married soon yeeyyy :D (he's 30 already :P)
She learns so many new things in Rohis. She enjoys it A LOT. She gets to create a lot of events and it involves talking to other members of the organisation.

Vivi has been a part of Rohis for a while now. She is a normal girl just like her firends. There comes a time, where Vivi feels something different in her heart. She starts to admire one of her colleagues in Rohis!! She doesn't actually want to keep this feeling. She tries soooo many times to let go of it. But she always fails. She loves him. She wants him to be her future husband in the future. Too early to think about it don't you think? She is only 17! but that's where we can see, that she is mature, in her own way.

The guy Vivi admires is called brother Sammy. he is way older than Vivi. He is 25! 8 years difference there! But it doesn't matter for Vivi, she knows that brother Sammy will be a good husband in the future. Brother Sammy is not really handsome. and that's not a problem at all for Vivi. because she looks at his heart, his religion. He is a very good muslim. He doesn't look like he is alim, but actually he is. He reads Qur'an fluently, he solats everyday, he fasts during Ramadan, etc. brother Sammy is also very funny. way funnier than brother Willy, actually. brother Sammy makes jokes A LOT. mybe this is one of the reason Vivi falls for him..

The thing that worries Vivi is, she doubts that brother Sammy has the same feeling towards her. It doesn't matter for her, now. because she doesn't wanna pacaran at all. she doesn't wanna cross Alloh's boundaries. and she is sure that if brother Sammy actually loves her for the sake of Alloh, he wouldn't ask her to be his girlfirend because Alloh prohibits pacaran. Vivi worries that he would get married very soon with other woman. she is aware that he is 25 already. about time to get married. Vivi hopes, really hopes that he would wait for her for another 5 years.. when vivi is ready to become a wife of brother Sammy.

brother Sammy doesn't know about her feelings. Vivi doesn't want him to know.
She doesn't wanna ruin their friendships. She'd rather love him in silence..
yes, loving him in silence is better.. even if it hurts...

-to be continued


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Alhamdulillah Alloh still lets me meet this blessing month once again. I set up a few goals during this Ramadhan. One of the goal is I wanna khatam min 2x. And Alhamdulillah I did it!! All praises to Alloh.. I'm e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y busy this year, but somehow Alloh still lets me manage my time properly and I managed to khatam twice! Alhamdulillah..
Mybe you guys don't know how busy I am. Only Alloh and I know how  stressful it is to be someone like me. Anyway, this article isn't about my sressful schedule. so I won't mention anything about it hahahahh you guys just need to know that i'm busy,busy,busy. hehe :P sok sok an bgt yah, merasa diri paling sibuk sndiri sedunia muahahaha.. nggak lah. I'm prettty sure there millions of people out there that are wayyyyy busier than me :P
anyway, back to Ramadhan. Its H-2 till Eid Muabarak!! HWAAAAAAA I'm really sad! Ramadhan has to leave very soon! I haven't done much Ibadah this Ramadhan. I haven't at all1 Astaghfirullohaladzim :(((

By the way.. I miss the Ramadhan moment in Indo. I haven't been there for 3 Ramadhan. This year's Ramadhan is my third one in Oz. what a great experience! but I really miss the moment where I taught little kids everyday at masjid before iftar time, where me and my friends had iftar together everyday, where me and my friends did khataman together every night after tarawih, and when I got a pocket money from other relatives!!! cos apparently there's no tradition such things whatsoever in here haha! :P I miss getting uang saku for lebaran :(

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Assalamualaikum guys, 

Alhamdulillah I finished my exam last week, feel so relieved now :) Got a pretty good marks for Math Methods. Not so good in ESL but I'm happy!! Accounting? Not so great.. its still a good mark though, but i thought I did better. Bio? SURPRISINGLY I passed! hahahhh bio.. thanks for making me busy last semester. no more bio now. sayonara :D yea, i dropped it. I loved the class, I loved the teacher. I just don't like the subject itself. it's confusing me :( anyway.. I am now free and I have a study block! which means that I can catch up on other subjects! This is heavenly.. this is what I've been wanting for all this time :))) My 2 yr 12 subjects didn't have mid-year exam. There will be one the end of year exam. hhhhh I'm soooo nervous!! but i have approximately 1 term to revise everything and do my best in the exam.. its really important cos the scores will go to my ATAR..
Anyway.. I better study now. Cya next time people =D

wassalamualaikum wr wb^^

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


HWAAAAA its been ages since i haven't posted anything here. I feel so bad now. Everyone posts lots of articles everyday. but me? seems like never! :/ i promised u guys that i'll post heaps of articles.. but the fact? doesn't seem to be happening :( i'm really sorry.. shouldn't have promised you that :P
anyway i'm kinda busy with school and work. they're filling up all my schedule. yea.. so that's the reason i haven't posted anything..  anyway.. i don't want to promise you anything right now. i'll try my best to keep on posting articles though^^